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Video downloads of our boxing and wrestling battles from Hit the Mat! Find the best mixed boxing, mixed wrestling and catfight action for download here.652 Videos With Videos - Pages offer free video previews!
Frankie and Darrius star as two ex-lovers who let a boxing match settle their differences, and determine who gets the others stuff. This hot mixed boxing action goes on back and forth for many rounds, until one takes the lead and begins to dominate! It can only end in a knock out.
Darrius is shadowboxing in the ring when Shannon, a friend of Frankie, enters the ring. Shannon is pissed that Darrius broke up with and beat up Frankie. She challenges Darrius to a match, if she wins, Frankie gets her stuff back, and if he wins, he gets to have Shannon. Nine rounds of grueling boxing leaves one boxer flat on their back.
Santana and Duncan fight for HTM's Oil Wrestling Championship belt. Duncan threatens to put Santana into permanent retirement, and Santana is looking forward to showing him what she can do. We have Duncan, complaining that he should just be given the belt, because his challenger, Santana, is no match for him. Santana, oiling up in the other corner, tells how she is going to make him crawl out of the ring like a bitch.
Tags: -Duncan, Oil Wrestling, Santana
Mutiny is working on her stomach muscles, when Raquel walks into the room. Raquel challenges Mutiny to a belly punching challenge to see who has the stronger abs. Mutiny quickly agrees and they start. Three rounds of hot girl on girl belly punching action, who’s tougher??
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Tags: -Belly Punching, Catfights, Mutiny, Raquel
Santa is interviewing a new helper for the Christmas season. Santa remarks that she is late, and Jo is not going to be Santa’s new assistant, she is going to be his new ho. Jo doesn’t take to kindly to that and throws Santa on the ground to teach him a holiday lesson he will not soon forget, or is she the one who gets a Holiday full of pain.
Tags: -Darrius
Anna has been hearing how Darrius has been beating up some of her friends, and wants to teach him a lesson. Darrius gladly accepts, and Anna turns into one of his toughest opponents. Hot mixed boxing action, someone is going to get beaten badly!
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Tags: -Darrius, Scarlett (Anna)
Not satisfied with their last outing Darrius wants another shot at Anna. She gives a post fight interview saying how she is going to send him to the hospital in this match. They go toe to toe and see who will end up flat on there back.
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Tags: -Darrius, Scarlett (Anna)
Jade challenges Frankie to a submissions match. Both girls give a prefight interview talking about the pain they plan on inflicting on each other. This brutal catfight goes on for ages with one girl being completely dominated!
Tags: -Catfight, Catfights, Frankie Z, Jade, Squash Match
We start off this mixed fighting match with both boxers warming up very close to each other; you can feel the intensity as they mentally prepare for the fight. Pandora suddenly smiles as she quietly asks him if he is ready to be busted up. Darrius, unimpressed tells her that he’s heard it all before.

Christie is shadowboxing expecting to meet her opponent, when Darrius walks in asking what she is doing. Quickly they challenge each other to a boxing match and the fight is on after a sneak attack from Christie. These are two tough fighters and this is one intense mixed boxing match!

Not satisfied with the results from their last mixed boxing match, Christie Ricci and Darrius glove up again for another mixed fight! Will the outcome be different this time around?? This is a tough fight with many head snapping punches and back and forth action!
Cali Logan is bouncing in her corner wearing her blue gloves. The ref explains that this is a special rules boxing match. Ten rounds, each round is ended by a knockout, the winner is whoever has the most knockouts at the end of ten rounds. What follows is a complete mixed boxing squash match! (Remastered in 720P)
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Tags: -Cali Logan, Darrius, Maledom