All content is the property of Hit The Mat Productions, don’t steal! is the official home of Hit the Mat productions.
Content should not be used anywhere else without permission. To inquire about usage of Hit the Mat content in promotions and content for reviews on your website, please contact We are generally OK with watermarked promo content being used provided that the watermark is not cropped, blocked or otherwise removed, and a link back to the website is present.
Thieves uploading and “trading” full videos and unauthorized clips are in violation of Federal US Copyright law, which extends to WTO signatory countries. Violators, uploaders and “traders” will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. We employ DMCA agents among others to help hunt down and remove unauthorized HTM content from the web. Buying a clip off the web does not include redistribution/reuploading rights. is the official home of Hit the Mat productions.
Content should not be used anywhere else without permission. To inquire about usage of Hit the Mat content in promotions and content for reviews on your website, please contact We are generally OK with watermarked promo content being used provided that the watermark is not cropped, blocked or otherwise removed, and a link back to the website is present.
Thieves uploading and “trading” full videos and unauthorized clips are in violation of Federal US Copyright law, which extends to WTO signatory countries. Violators, uploaders and “traders” will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. We employ DMCA agents among others to help hunt down and remove unauthorized HTM content from the web. Buying a clip off the web does not include redistribution/reuploading rights.