Felicia faces off against the very sexy and topless Mutiny in a pretty intense boxing match that gets vaguely homoerotic! Both boxers trade some hard belly punching, head snapping jabs, hooks, uppercuts, low blows, and more.
The first round is relatively even, but the second round Mutiny takes control, especially once she brings out the low blows. Mutiny also likes to keep Felicia close and hammer away at her belly in the corner. But in the 3rd round, Felicia goes after Mutiny’s enticing topless targets, and uses her bare breasts for speedbags! Felicia almost seems laser focused and perhaps a bit mesmerized on the variety of ways she can make Mutiny’s bare breasts jumps, bounce and jiggle with rapid fire punches.. but is sure to dig in some more hard belly punches and jaw jacking headshots.
The final round sees Mutiny dominated some more, tuned up, TKO’d and taunted to cap off this humiliating beatdown.
Watch after the credits for some silliness.
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Fantasy female boxing
Tags: Felicia, Mutiny, Topless Boxing and Fighting
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