Hit the Mat
Boxing, Wrestling and POV action since 2007
HTMV14 Kat vs. Jade
Genre: Female Wrestling -- Length: 28 mins

Kat walks into one of the HTM locations, thinking she is there to be the cover girl for HTM, only to find Jade already putting on her make up. Both had been booked for the job, but they are informed, that only one of them can have the job. Jade quickly challenges Kat to a fight, and the match is on! These two hot femmes fight for dominance to see who gets to be the next HTM girl.


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HTM Wrestling
Female wrestling fantasy.


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Original segment descriptions (from August 2008) -
HTM 40a: Jade vs. Kat (Battle of the HTM girls) Part 1 -
Kat walks into one of the HTM locations, thinking she is there to be the cover girl for HTM, only to find Jade already putting on her make up. Both had been booked for the job, but they are informed, that only one of them can have the job. Jade quickly challenges Kat to a fight, and the match is on! They agree on a two out of three fall match and the winner gets the contract. Both girls are relatively inexperience technical grapplers, but they both want the contract. Kat starts off putting Jade on the mat first, and puts her in a headlock then, straddles her and starts to choke Jade. Jade starts trash talking and Kat pins her arms and legs down, using her superior size. Kat feeling cocky lets Jade get back to her feet, and gives her a sporting chance to try again. Kat, once again, gets on top to control Jade. Kat gets up again, not feeling challenged by Jade, but her arrogance causes Kat trouble as Jade sweeps her to the canvas, then traps Kat in a body scissors with a hair pull, to a full nelson. Jade is riding high until Kat is able to force her way out and put Jade in a modified bow and arrow hold. Both girls twist, choke, squeeze, and work each other over. Jade gains the upper hand and put Kat out with a sleeper with Kat struggles with until she submits. Jade, pumped does some jumping jacks, and poses for the camera, as she celebrates her win in this fall.

HTM 40b: Jade vs. Kat (Battle of the HTM girls) Part 2 -
Jade is cocky after knocking out Kat, and asks her is she is ready. Kat still pissed calls Jade a "Stupid Bitch" and Jade jumps on Kat putting her in a quick sleeper hold. Jade shows a surprising amount of aggression as she throws Kat on her stomach then slaps on a double arm choke. Jade stays on Kats back putting her in a full nelson and rubbing Kat's face on the mat. Kat never gets a chance to mount an offense as Jade keeps the pressure on poor Kat. Jade hold Kat in a headlock, but Kat is able to reverse and escape; now it is Kats turn. Kat works Jade's back and legs pulling her feet trying to make them touch the back of Jade's head. Then Kat transitions to the double arm choke seeing how Jade likes it. Kat keeps asking Jade is she is going to give up the shoot, and Jade stubbornly says no. Kat racks Jade's back by placing her in a modified bow and arrow hold which puts Jade in so much pain she passes out. Kat not happy about her quick knockout over Jade, she wakes her up wanting to end the match and shoot for HTM. Kat double arm chokes Jade again, then rolls her onto her side and puts her knee deep into her back. Kat lets Jade go so Jade will "fight like a woman" Big mistake! Jade takes Kat down and dominates with; arm locks, bow and arrow, back and stomach clawing, temple claw, full nelson, and hair pulling. These two go back and forth until one submits from a choke.

HTM 40c: Jade vs. Kat (Battle of the HTM girls) Part 3 -
Kat is wondering why Jade is still around since Kat beat her 2-3. Jade, still groggy, thinks she has one more fall to win, so Kat decides she is going to kick her ass again. Kat puts Jade in a body scissors then adds a choke and arm bar to take the fight from Jade. Kat throws Jade around putting her in a modified bow and arrow hold digging her knee deep in Jade's back. Kat threaten to break Jade's back unless she leaves. Kat's frustration is evident, as she puts Jade back into a body scissor, and sleeper hold. She wants to knock Jade out! Kat's frustration gets the better of her as she makes a mistake; Jade is able to escape Jade's crushing scissors and gets the upper hand. First Jade grabs a handful of Kat's hair, and then she starts to choke the life from her. Jade works Kat's arms, legs, and back in painful holds as well as clawing Kat's back. Full nelsons, arm bars, and leg locks help Jade turn the tide of the fight in her favor as she makes Kat submit. Jade leaves Kat lying in a heap on the floor leaving in doubt who is the true HTM girl.

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