Misty Fairweather comes in to the gym, smug and dismissive of this “chump” Rusty, whom her managers arranged to spar with her. Misty Fairweather decides she will do this chump the “honor” of sparring with her. The champ is so confident, Misty declares he won’t land a single punch, and she’ll take off a piece of clothing for every punch he lands.
For much of the first round, the undefeated champion Misty Fairweather’s skills are on display as she dodges or parries most of Rusty’s shots. Just when it seems like it’s a stalemate, Rusty overwhelms Mayweather with blistering offense, nailing her so many times she must strip nude and thensome! Misty has apparently taken a few too many hooks to the head, thinking that this spar has turned in to a real match with her belt on the line. (Or maybe the champ just likes to spar with really high stakes!) Misty is swinging hard, and manages to land a few shots but Rusty just brushes them off, further enraging Misty. The naked Fairweather gets both her ego AND her ass beaten, literally! Misty is completely dominated and humiliated.
Misty’s face, body and booty become nothing more than punching bags for Rusty, and once he’s knocked her out and taken her belt, she is tied up to become an actual nude punching!
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Fantasy maledom mixed boxing, with lots of big booty punching!
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